
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Taking it Easy Breazy

Look at this beardy man!

washed up jelly fish

A little bit of Florida Flair to my letters

Arrested Development season 4 and icecream 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What been up

I've been having some pretty crumby days lately.
Work is stressing the crud outta me. My eye twitches a lot, and I'm breaking out in weird bumps on my arms and legs. Which causes me to stress more.
Good news! Joseph and I get 2 days off together from now on.
This probably means nothing to you all, but to us- it's wonderful news.
Lucky Charms have not brought any luck to me.

Testing nail polish 

my favorite products lately

 B is for Banana

What I wear every day.
Plus clothes.

Joseph had a birthday

Lots of lounging in my robe and watching Gilmore Girls to chill out

Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm grateful for Target

I went to Target today to look for a new journal, and some new stationary. I found some cute cards but no journal. I couldn't make up my mind, so I'll be sleeping on it tonight. We just got paid too, so I thought I'd browse around the store to see if they had any deals I could treat myself with. The first place I went was to the candles. I found these, and was so impressed with the packaging, and themes. And the smells too. I ended up getting a Yankee Candle for $8. High Five!

 I'm excited to sit down and write some people. I love sending mail.
When I was younger I had a club called "The I love you Club". It was just me, and my friend Rachel. We would make cards for the Elderly in our neighborhood. I liked the feeling I got seeing them peek through the screen door & light up at the sight of company. I loved their laughter when we told them we were from the 'I love you' club.
They would invite us in, and we would visit while they fed us all the treats they could find. I loved their candy!
They didn't always answer the door; and that was okay. We'd stick it in their mail box, or on their door and ride our bikes to the next house. Sometimes our Moms got phone calls of appreciation.  And sometimes we got chased by dogs, or crashed in the middle of the street when a cute boy saw.
Although I don't get phone calls, or candy any more, I still get warm inside from sending those envelopes.  It pleases me to think about my loved ones opening their mail and getting something other than bills. And I only care a little bit that my hand writing is bad.
 (I'm working on it)

When I was a senior, my mom gathered us together for FHE. The lesson that night was on gratitude. She bought us journals to record the things we were grateful for. 
I've been recording my blessings ever since. I try to write every Sunday.
I've gone through 3 journals in 7 years. 
So obviously I don't write every Sunday.
I'm so E X C I T E D for a new journal. 
But I need help- which one should I get?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Litte bit of patience...

Pays off.
I've been practicing these hair bows just for fun. They have always turned out ridiculous. 
Buuut Not tonight!

 And I didn't even try hard on this one


Thursday, May 9, 2013

This and That


Hiding at work. I had a bad Monday

About to give this joker a haircut