
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Last time we got out of PCB we visited Seaside. Tomorrow we're celebrating our anniversary at Shell Island

Friday, April 19, 2013

Missing Frisco

I'm sitting here poised at the computer, listening to cool indie tunes and the rain. It's a nice constant rain and reminds me of San Francisco in the fall. I have to keep my doors open. I wish I could close them right now because, dispite the rain, someone is smoking near my store.  The scent of it is mixing with the smell of food. It may be that I've got SF on my mind, but it smells like clamchowder. Oh how my heart is aching for San Francisco right now. I wish that I were walking home in the rain knowing that I was going to our apartment with it's cozy lighting , and 3 different autumn candle scents. And before bed we'd eat some home made soup while watching 30 Rock.
Geesh. I miss it.






Let's define this


Lil Britt & Big Britt

My work has me travel
This is my blog.



               A person who has or affects to have a special appreciation of art and beauty.